St-Clair County Fire Chiefs Association and

MABAS Division 32

Meeting Minutes 9/26/02


The meeting was hosted by the Cahokia Fire Dept. and was called to order at 7PM by vice president Tom Elliff.  Tom introduced Ms. Karen Stokes of the St.Clair County Public Health Dept.  Karen gave a brief presentation on the Leaf Management Coalition and discussed several handouts she brought with her.  Depts were requested to take the handouts and distribute at upcoming Fire Prevention Week activities.


Vice president Elliff asked if there were any changes or corrections to the last meeting minutes.  There being none, Elliff approved the minutes as distributed.


Secretary/treasurer Rutherford gave the treasurer's report which showed a balance on hand of $27,407.98. A motion was made by Chief McGuire and seconded by Chief Martinson to approve the report.  The motion passed.


Chief Render reported that the MABAS agreement with St.Louis is proceeding.  He reiterated the need that all members of MABAS Division 32 Depts have photo ID's.  He


also mentioned that attempts were in progress to try and secure an ID maker for the Division.



Chief Smith mentioned that the MABAS box card would soon be on the Chiefs web site and that the MABAS executive committee (state-wide) was trying to get three more radio frequencies for downstate Depts.  Chief Smith also indicated that SWIC has received an $880,000 grant for a fire training facility.  The total cost of the project will be $1.2MM.


Ass't Chief Doyle reminded everyone of the upcoming St.Clair County Fire College at


the Fire Service Institute in October.  He indicated that responses at this point in time were slow coming in.


Vice president Elliff reported that SCESCA would be holding a chicken and beer dance fund raiser on November 2 at Panorama Lanes.  He encouraged members to attend.


George Zika, OSFM, announced his upcoming retirement and mentioned that a number of people will be leaving taking an early out option.


Vice president Elliff introduced Don Klinger with VFIS.  Don discussed a number of


training opportunities with his organization and proposed a driver training program; possibly on a weekend.


Elliff indicated that President Feher was recommending that the Association make Representative Tom Holbrook an honorary member of the organization and present him

with a gold fire helmet at an upcoming meeting.  A motion was made, seconded, and passed to do so.


Chief Morgan reported that SAFB would be holding a parade and open house in October and that they would be sponsoring a golf tournament in November.


Vice president Elliff reminded everyone to get him their E-Mail address.


Chief McGuire reminded everyone of the UL aerial testing in November and that the cost would be $700/apparatus.  Anyone interested should contact him for details.


Ass't Chief Doyle discussed the upcoming Firefighters mass and mentioned that the award recipients from the Illinois side would be Chief McGuire, Chief Render, and Ass't Chief Elliff.


Secretary/treasurer Rutherford distributed the proposed MABAS Division 32 operating guidelines and discussed recent additions and changes.  He further mentioned that the operating guidelines would be voted on during the annual meeting.


With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.