St. Clair County Fire Chiefs


 MABAS Division 32 Meeting


January 26, 2006


Meeting called to order by President Feher at 7:01pm


Motion was made and seconded to approve December 1, 2005 minutes.  Motion passed


Treasurer’s report was given, and passed.


SWIC – Lee Smith gave an update on the training site and training requirements including the agencies which regulate fire departments in the form of a video presentation.  NIMS classes IS100 and IS700 will be required for all firefighters.  SWIC is hoping to include this in FFII classes this year.  IS200 and IS800 will be required for line officers and chief officers.  Elected officials will be required to take IS700.  For more info on NIMS, visit  Classes are scheduled and refresher classes are available.  For more information, contact Lee Smith. The classroom/office/storage building, as well as additional site improvements should be completed by January 2007.  There will be an additional $800,000 in improvements over the next year.


Presentation was given on the proposed MABAS restructuring.  This included the proposed restructuring of the MABAS dues.  Discussion was held concerning the restructuring. 


Most of the departments have received the STARCOMM radio.  Installations are still being worked on.  Interoperability radios have also been shipped out and most departments have received them.


St. Clair County Health Department will be having a drill for drug dispersment on Friday February 24th.  Additional information should be sent out from the health department.


Illinois Fire Chiefs has started a volunteer section of the association.  Lines of communications are being opened up and questionnaires will be coming out soon to find out problems that departments have.


No appointment has been made to replace the Fire Marshal.  Dave DeFradies is still serving as the acting director.  No timeframe has been set for the governor to name a replacement.


Darryl Elbe is retiring tomorrow as ESDA Director.  Bob Knight will be assuming the position as ESDA Director.  Motion was made to get a $100 gift certificate for Darryl to show our appreciation.  Motion was seconded.  Motion passed.  Chief Feher will obtain the certificate and have it at the retirement reception.


Proposed by law changes - Discussion was held concerning the proposed changes to the Association by-laws and constitution.  Motion was made to approve the proposed changes with a change of the name to St. Clair/Monroe County Fire Chiefs Association. Roll call vote was made.  Motion passed.


Election of Officers – Nominating committee proposed the following slate of officers.

President – Don Feher

Vice President – Brent Saunders

Secretary/Treasurer - Tom Elliff

Director - Bob Belba

Director - Joe Hogg

Director - Aaron Hoock

Director - Dave Owens

No other nominations were made from the floor.  Motion was made and seconded for the secretary to cast a vote of acclimation for the slate as presented.  Motion passed.


Feb 4th Fayetteville will be meeting with Grace Industries about an electronic accountability system.  If your department is interested, contact Brian Funk.


Department ID Cards – It is nowhere close to being statewide.  If you do a “FIPS” search on the internet, you will find the government recommendation for identification cards.


NIMS has made some changes to the command structure that was approved by the chiefs association years ago.  President Feher created a committee to look at some changes and report back at a future meeting. 


Discussion was held concerning recent departments inquiring about radios.  It was made clear that VHF radios will remain in the county for the near and distant future.


Lee Smith gave an overview of the work a committee has been working on to help CENCOM work out some issues to help departments that are dispatched by CENCOM.  A meeting will be held this Saturday, January 28 concerning a report that was distributed recently. 


Motion made and seconded to adjourn the fire chiefs meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 9:08 pm






MABAS Division 32 meeting was called to order at 9:08pm by President Feher.


Motion was made to approve the proposed changes to the Division by-laws and constitution as discussed earlier in the Chiefs meeting.  Motion was seconded.  Motion passed.


Discussion was held concerning the proposed restructuring of MABAS.  Motion was made to case a vote of “NO” for the reorganization of MABAS.  Motion was seconded.  Motion passed.


Motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed.


Meeting was adjourned at 9:16pm